We Did This Together

All politics are local and voters want to know “what have you done for me recently?” In an attempt to answer that question, I worked with Luke Hoffman and Rob Irvine to develop WeDidThisTogether.com. The main feature of the website is the Google Map showing the projects that happened in Nebraska as a result of Senator Kerrey’s partnerships with community leaders.

Luke Hoffman did the initial research for the project by searching through thousands of documents from Senator Kerrey’s time in the U.S. Senate to create a master database of the Senator’s accomplishments. When Luke was promoted to a different position on the campaign, Rob took over and geo-coded each of the accomplishments on the map and wrote a summary. Additionally, Rob wrote summaries for projects Senator Kerrey completed that had a statewide impact.

I developed the WordPress website and wrote the copy for the main page and several other pages on the website. I worked with our Digital Media Director, Cody Uhing, to promote these accomplishments through the campaign’s Facebook and Twitter pages. Using Google Analytics, tracking URLs, and Facebook Insights, we were able to measure the impact of our social media campaign, adjust our strategy to maximize the reach of our Facebook and Twitter postings, and quantify the return on investment in this project. Ultimately, our social media strategy was successful at driving traffic to the website.

Screen Mockup of Sen. Kerrey's Nebraska Projects
Screen Mockup Showing Sen. Kerrey's Work to Bring Jobs to NebraskaScreen Mockup Showing Sen. Kerrey's Work on Infrastructure