Cass County Long-Term Recovery Group

Cass County LTRG Website Mockup

About the Project

As the floodwaters receded in 2019, social service providers, faith-based organizations, and public entities determined it would take years for flood-impacted individuals to recover. Initiated by Cass County Emergency Management, the Cass County Long-Term Recovery Group (LTRG) was formed.


In the aftermath of a disaster, scammers are quick to set-up shop and take advantage of survivor’s vulnerable state. In the days and weeks following a disaster, consumer advocacy groups, government agencies, and the local media are vocal about being skeptical of any organization or individual offering disaster recovery assistance. As a new 501(c)(3) with no track record in the community, it was imperative for the Cass County LTRG’s website to convey trust as survivors researched this organization offering assistance. The LTRG’s executive board also wanted a website for their organization that was clearly different from the other LTRGs operating in Nebraska.

Our Solution

Working with emergency management officials and disaster recovery experts, we built a website that highlighted the new group’s expertise in disaster recovery. The website prominently featured the iconic Cass County Courthouse and quickly directed visitors to local resources for assistance.

When the COVID-19 pandemic reach Nebraska, the LTRG expanded their mission to aid Cass County residents. We expanded the information available on the website to include information about pandemic relief assistance and updated the disaster assistance application.


The Cass County LTRG’s website has become a hub of information for area residents. The LTRG continues to provide assistance to those in need and volunteer opportunities to those looking to give back to their communities.