Peerly Productive:
An Achievement Group

Let's reframe the way we think about getting things done. By bringing together peer support, collaborative learning, and a mix of structure and flexibility, Peerly Productive provides a thoughtful approach to achieving your goals, rooted in diverse insights and proven methods.

Achieve more than you thought possible, within a community of like-minded professionals committed to elevating their goal-setting and task management skills.

Group Think,
But in a Good Way

Not all group think is bad! Peerly Productive draws on the strength that come from diverse perspectives and collective learning to help you manage your tasks and projects better while building lasting productivity habits. Providing a unique blend of structure, flexibility, and diversity, Peerly Productive is an achievement group designed to help you level-up your productivity skills.

The achievement group starts when a cohort of 8-15 individuals from different industries and roles come together. This cross-sector structure ensures a rich diversity of experiences, perspectives, and thought. Next participants are introduced to proven productivity frameworks and methods over a three-week period. Finally, weekly PeerPulse check-ins provide the structure and accountability necessary to forming new productivity habits.

PeerPulse Meetings

PeerPulse check-ins are weekly 45-minute Zoom meetings designed to facilitate social learning, expand your knowledge, and encourage peer support. Each PeerPulse check-in has three sections: Idea Ignition, Delta / Plus, and Insight Exchange.


Idea Ignition

Idea Ignition is a 10-minute segment at the start of our sessions, designed to spark creative thinking and broaden your toolkit. It offers universally applicable insights into productivity and goal-setting.

Delta / Plus

Delta/Plus is a 20-minute exchange where members share one aspect they aim to improve and one recent win. This candid conversation fosters both individual growth and collective learning.

Insight Exchange

Insight Exchange is the concluding 15-minute segment, spotlighting two members' in-depth progress updates. It's an opportunity to delve deeper, gather insights, and offer targeted peer support.

Exclusive Online Community

The Peerly Productive online community serves as an extension of our PeerPulse sessions. In this space, you’re invited to engage with other Peerly Productive members in a meaningful way. It’s not just another online commitment; it’s a curated space to enhance your professional life. Share insights, ask for advice on challenging projects, or offer your own unique perspective.

This isn’t your typical forum or message board. The Peerly Productive online community platform is rich with features designed to help you connect, collaborate, and build relationships with other highly motivated professionals.

Ignite Potential:
Your Commitment to Peerly Productive

Have a Goal in Mind

What do you want to achieve during the next 6 months? From specific goals such as completing a complex project, to more general goals, such as achieving a better work/life balance, you will get the most out of Peerly Productive when you have a specific goal that you are working toward.

Attend Orientation Sessions

Each Peerly Productive cohort starts off with three orientation sessions focused on productivity, task management, goal setting, and concludes with participants selecting a productivity framework that they will use for the 6-month program.

Select a Productivity Framework

When it comes to being productive, there isn't a one-size-fits-all solution, so Peerly Productive doesn't require you to use a specific framework. Rather, you're encouraged to explore frameworks and use the one that meets your particular needs.

Commit to Attending PeerPluse Meetings

As a collaborative learning-based achievement group, PeerPluse meetings are the core of the Peerly Productive method. Peerly Productive members commit to attending and actively participating in 80% of the online bi-weekly meetings during the 6-month period.

Ready to Go? Apply to Join the Next Peerly Productive Cohort Today!

Orientation sessions for the next Peerly Productive cohort kick-off in early November. December PeerPluse meetings will focus on goal setting for 2024, with the regular program getting underway in January 2024. Cohorts are capped at 15 participants, so don’t wait to apply. Have questions before applying? Contact me here, and let’s figure out if this is a good fit for you.

Peerly Productive

An Achievement Group, like Peerly Productive, is a community of driven professionals, entrepreneurs, and freelancers from varied industries. The primary aim is to help each member reach their unique goals through a blend of peer support, shared wisdom, and mutual encouragement. Unlike traditional networking or professional development groups, the emphasis here is not solely on expertise but on a reciprocal exchange of ideas, perspectives, and experiences. Members come together to provide constructive feedback, share resources, and offer insights that make challenges easier to navigate and objectives more attainable. It’s about enriching your professional journey through the collective knowledge and camaraderie of like-minded individuals.

Peer support plays a crucial role in achieving your objectives, and its importance can’t be overstated. When you’re part of a group like Peerly Productive, you gain access to a variety of insights and strategies that can elevate your own approaches to work and problem-solving. While each member is highly motivated and accountable, it’s the combined experience and collective wisdom that turn individual goals into shared successes. Whether you’re seeking advice, need an alternative perspective, or simply looking for encouragement during a challenging phase, the peer support within the group provides an invaluable resource. It amplifies your efforts, making tasks more manageable and milestones more achievable. Peer support is not just about getting advice; it’s about giving and receiving, learning and sharing, and ultimately, accomplishing more together than you could alone.

A productivity framework is essentially a structured approach or set of guidelines designed to help you accomplish tasks and reach your goals more efficiently. Unlike a one-size-fits-all solution, these frameworks offer adaptable methods to better manage your time, prioritize tasks, and maintain focus. In Peerly Productive, we don’t prescribe any specific productivity framework, recognizing that different systems work for different people. What we do offer is an arena where you can share what works for you, and learn from others’ experiences with various frameworks, be it Agile, Scrum, GTD, or something completely custom. The key is to find or create a framework that aligns with your personal and professional objectives, and to refine it as you go, incorporating insights you gain from the group’s shared wisdom.

At Peerly Productive, we believe that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to productivity. For this reason, we don’t recommend a specific productivity framework. Instead, during our orientation sessions, we explore a variety of proven frameworks, delving into their strengths and weaknesses, and examining the scenarios they are best suited for. We also discuss how different work and cognitive styles may align with specific frameworks. Rest assured, the frameworks we discuss are either well-established with a track record of effectiveness, or grounded in evidence-based practices. This way, you can make an informed choice about which framework resonates with you, and then take that framework into the Peerly Productive experience, enriching it further through peer insights and collaboration.

Peerly Productive is structured around cohorts, each consisting of 8 to 15 members. These cohorts are formed twice a year, although the frequency may increase depending on demand. We cap cohorts at 15 members to ensure that our bi-weekly PeerPulse meetings remain focused and highly collaborative. Meetings primarily take place via Zoom, but in-person gatherings may be an option depending on cohort preferences. In addition to these meetings, we offer an exclusive online community that allows members from all cohorts to share resources, exchange ideas, and collaborate. This multi-layered approach ensures that you get consistent peer support and valuable insights, both in and out of the scheduled meetings.

Absolutely, nonprofit staff and government employees are more than welcome in Peerly Productive. Professionals from these sectors can particularly benefit from our focus on goal-setting and productivity. Moreover, their unique perspectives on project management and stakeholder relationships add depth and richness to the group’s collective wisdom. Likewise, business professionals stand to gain valuable insights from the problem-solving approaches and ethical considerations often faced in nonprofit and public sector work. The blend of perspectives creates a more holistic view of productivity and goal achievement, enriching the experience for everyone involved. In this way, Peerly Productive offers a balanced and mutually beneficial environment for professionals across the board.

The time commitment for Peerly Productive is designed to be both manageable and impactful. Participants join a cohort for a 6-month period, which includes three initial orientation meetings. The core of the program is the bi-weekly PeerPulse meetings, held via Zoom, each lasting 45 minutes. To maintain the collaborative spirit and maximize benefits, members are expected to attend at least 80% of these meetings during the 6-month span. In addition, participants are encouraged to engage with other cohort members in our online community between meetings. This dual-approach allows for ongoing dialogue and resource-sharing, without becoming a drain on your already busy schedule.

As of now, there is no fee or tuition to join Peerly Productive. We’re in an inaugural phase and are excited to offer access to this high-value community without a financial barrier. This enables a diverse range of professionals to benefit from the program’s unique structure and the wealth of experience that each participant brings.

Ready To Achieve
Your Goals?

Apply and join the waitlist today to be notified when the next cohort forms.