
Thoughts & Tangents

Making Social Media Work for Your Small Business | Zachary Nelson

Making Social Media Work for Your Small Business

This isn’t going to be one of those posts that tells you to pull together a cross-functional team to determine how to write persona-specific high converting posts or espouses a complex social listening strategy so you can discern the most engaging content. This article is written for small business owners who do everything from accounting to strategic planning. While the

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A Millennial's Guide to Understanding Medicare

A Medicare Primer for Millennials

Medicare! What an exciting topic! Whether you’re researching Medicare for a class paper or you’re a Bernie Bro who decided they should know something about Medicare before proclaiming it should be “for all” this blog post has all the information you need. If you’re getting ready to assist a grandparent with Medicare’s Open Enrollment Period, this post has six tips

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Making the Switch from Mac to Windows

My Mac Mini and I have had a good run, but this past April it was time for a change. The mid-2011 model just couldn’t keep up with the demands of Photoshop and running a local web dev environment put a ton of stress on the system’s resources. So, I headed to the Apple store to purchase a new MacBook

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WordPress PHP Code

Diving into the Genesis Framework

My very first WordPress website was for myself back in 2007; next came websites for friends and family. In 2011, I formed an LLC, Republic Insights to build websites for political candidates. As I professionalized my operation, one part of WordPress development that became increasingly frustrating was the learning curve that came with each new theme along with trying to

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Person writing a blog post on WordPress

Four WordPress Plugins I Always Use

WordPress is a great content management system for simple to moderately complex websites. I’ve been building WordPress sites since 2007 for everything from candidates running for local office, to a property development company, to a national franchise system. Over the last decade, WordPress has substantially evolved, and my development skillset has become more sophisticated. Today, four WordPress plugins make their

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