Where to Find Accurate Information About the Coronavirus

Last Updated: 03/18/20

Don't Spread COVID-19 Misinformation

Misinformation about the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, is spreading like wildfire. According to NewsGuard, misleading news about the COVID-19 virus illness is seeing over 142 times the content engagement that of legitimate and expert sources.

It’s our responsibility as leaders to share accurate information and debunk misinformation whether that’s online or out in the real world. The resources below are intended to help you do that.

High-Quality Sources of Information on COVID-19

Since this is a fast-evolving topic, I’m not going to try to keep my blog up-to-date with information. Rather, I’ve linked to authoritative websites which will be frequently updated as new information becomes available or the situation changes.

Q: What is the coronavirus (COVID-19)?
A: Read a Q&A from the World Health Organization (WHO) on COVID-19

Q: What is happening in the US with COVID-19?
A: Find the CDC’s COVID-19 Situation Summary here

Q: How many COVID-19 cases are there in the United States?
A: COVID-19 cases as reported by the CDC

Q: What is the actual risk in the US?
A: Read the CDC’s risk assessment

Q: What should individuals and families do to prepare for COVID-19?
A: Planning, checklists, cleaning & disinfecting, and how to handle someone who is sick in your household from the CDC

Q: Are there special precautions seniors and others with health conditions should take?
A: CDC Recommendations for People at Risk for Serious Illness from COVID-19

Q: Are there communication resources organizations can use regarding COVID-19?
A: CDC fact sheets, posters, and videos available for use and distribution

Q: What should businesses do to prepare for COVID-19?
A: Resources for businesses to plan and prepare for COVID-19 from the CDC

Q: What are scammers up to and how can I spot a COVID-19 scam?
A: Five Tips for Spotting COVID-19 Scams from Forbes

Q: Is there a podcast that has information about COVID-19?
A: Experts from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health offer science and evidence-based insights on the public health news of the day. Listen here.

Feel more like watching a video? I recommend Doctor Mike’s channel on YouTube. He’s put all of his videos on COVID-19 in a convenient playlist.

The Science of Fighting an Epidemic

View a live dashboard tracking COVID-19 infections, deaths, and recoveries.