Websites for IKOR

Following RiseMark’s acquisition of IKOR, I was asked to update the company’s site. At the time, IKOR had a non-responsive WordPress website, and the custom theme was poorly coded causing multiple problems displaying content. I selected a responsive WordPress theme from ThemeForest and modified the CSS to fit the new brand standards. The website features … Read more

Iron Oaks Properties Website

Screenshots of Iron Oaks Properties Website | Zachary Nelson

Iron Oaks Properties is a property development company in Lincoln, Nebraska. In 2015, I built a mobile-friendly WordPress site for them. The site includes information on the company and four apartment communities with functionally for photos tours of each property, floor plan galleries and maps. In 2017, mobile traffic supposed desktop traffic and I rebuilt … Read more

Fair Pay For Us Website

Fair Pay For Us was a microsite I created for an issue advocacy group who was working to raise awareness of the legislature’s attempt to exempt young working Nebraskans from the voter-passed minimum wage increase. I built this website in Bootstrap, modifying a theme from You can visit the website here.

Right at Home

Feature Image RAH Website Design

The Right at Home content management system (CMS) posed a unique set of challenges. The CMS was built 5 years before I started at Right at Home, and in the intervening years, web design had significantly changed. Franchise owners expected a modern look on a platform that wasn’t built with the flexibility to allow much customization. This … Read more